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Types of Essays

Types of Essays

Persuasive Essays

A persuasive essay is meant to convince the reader of the author’s point of view on a particular issue. Typically, such an essay will also include a call to action. Thus, a persuasive essay should cause the reader to feel and act in a particular way.

A persuasive essay can be written on any topic on which people can have a difference of opinion. For example, an essay may argue that social media harms teenagers or that a community should adopt a noise ordinance. These both seek to sway the reader’s opinion to that of the author’s. In contrast, essays describing the social media habits of teenagers or telling the story of a neighborhood’s attempt to pass local noise ordinances are not persuasive because they do not present a specific opinion.

In writing a persuasive essay, it is vital to take a clear stance on an issue. The reader should be left with no doubt as to which side of an issue the writer supports. In addition, a persuasive essay must include facts and logical reasoning to show that the ideas put forth by the author are superior to other ideas on the topic. This type of essay should be written with a specific audience in mind to tailor the arguments and language to the intended readers.

When writing persuasive essays in an exam setting, keep in mind that the actual stance taken in the essay is not important. The graders don’t care about the specific opinion expressed in the essay; they only care that the opinion is well written and supported by logically relevant evidence.

Expository Essays

An expository essay is one in which the author tells the reader something in a straightforward manner. This essay type is meant to explain, inform, or clarify a topic for which the reader may have no prior knowledge. It is also a chance for the writer to display his or her own understanding of a topic. Subjects for an expository essay might include many different sides, but an expository essay doesn’t dive into these controversies. Instead, it simply explains a topic with as much neutrality as possible.

The word expository is related to the word expose, which means “to show”.

To compose a successful expository essay, the author must present facts from verifiable sources and arrange the information in a logical sequence. Language should be clear and precise, and relevant context should be provided since the reader may not be familiar with the topic. It is important that the essay remains objective and does not include the author’s opinion.

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